Wednesday, September 28, 2011


     Wine and chocolate paired together? They're natural companions. Both have complex flavors and notes, both have similar components and nuances in common. A wine and chocolate pairing follows the same kind of process as a wine or chocolate tasting, except you taste both together.

How to Team Up the Pair:
Examine the attributes of the chocolate, and follow the same steps as you would in a classic chocolate tasting. That includes noting the aroma, listening for the snap when you break it and checking the shine and glassiness. Before tasting it, though, take the same notice of wine. Now take a sip of wine, notice the wine's complexity now take a smell bite of chocolate let it sit on your tongue, when it just begins to melt, sip the wine again and swirl together with the chocolate.

Flavors to Expect:
Just like in a chocolate or wine tasting, the flavors are released in stages. The first notes should be filled with fruity acidity (from the grapes in the wine and the cacao bean in the chocolate). Watch the flavors that unfold in this middle stage, and look for a sweetness stage. The finish should be  identified by tannins, flavor notes common to both wine and chocolate.

What to Pair:
Pair lighter chocolates with lighter wines; darker chocolate with full-bodied wines. Go from light to dark in your tasting session. Lighter chocolate doesn't refer to white and milk versus dark, but the overall flavor of the piece. Dark chocolates with delicate genaches, for example can be lighter in flavor than white or milk chocolate filled with intense caramel or with spicy or nut centers.

Pairings For Dark,, Bittersweet and Semi-Sweet
Zinfandel, Syrah, Tawny Port, Armagnac, Cognac (If you're looking to pair up Cab Sav, Pinot Noir or Sangiovese they should be well-aged to suitably pair with darker chocolate)

Pairings For Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate
Merlot, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and Dessert Wines

More Pairings break from tradition and try these different pairings of Beer/Chocolate, Coffee and Chocolate and even the unlikely match that many have sworn by Tea and Chocolate.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This past rainy weekend, I had cabin fever so I decided to venture out to Ocean city. With Ocean City offering a wide variety of dining choices. It is sometimes hard to figure where and what you want to do. So with a craving for pub food and beer, I decided to try the 9th Street Taphouse, located in the Paradise hotel on 9th st and the boardwalk. I am so glad, I did! Upon entering the pub not only was there a large chalkboard listing all 22 beers but also a list of the specials. We were immediately greeted by Juli and seated. After a few minutes of looking over the menu we had our decisions made. Every dish we tried was infused with beer. Jeff Burton has designed his menu around the beers he has and with 22 beers on tap hes a lot of creativity to play with. Jeff says "he has tried to make his menu unique, compared to other restaurants in the area" and I say he is SPOT ON!! After talking with Jeff and trying his food, you can see the passion he has in what he does.
1st Course
Spicy Chili Cheese Fries (the cheese is made with Natty Boh)
Paired with: Raging Bitch IPA

2nd Course
Fish and Chips with a Spicy Mango Ketchup (the fresh fish is rolled in house made potato chips)
Paired with: Dogfish Burton Baton

3rd Course
Taphouse Soft Pretzels (accompanied by Sam Adams spicy mustard and Natty Boh cheese)
Paired with: Heavy Seas Peg Leg

Next time you are in Ocean City stop by this little hidden Oasis and try some great food that is a true break from the norm.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wine's of Fall

     As late summer turns to fall, we are all thirsty for wines that fit lower temperatures, richer foods and upcoming holidays.
     Whether you like it or not, summer's end is just around the corner and while we could weep uncontrollably about this fact, I say instead, let's look forward to the beautiful fall ahead and what better way to do so, then, by enjoying the changing colors while raising a glass of some of the best wines for fall. Fall is an exciting season for wine lovers, who can celebrate their favorite drink with new wine releases and a variety of festivals and tastings. Late August through October marks grape harvest and crush season. In wine regions across the country, grapes are picked from their vines by hand or machine and pressed.
     Fall wines should compliment the hearty dishes and numerous events of the season. The perfect wine can be found for everything from Halloween treats to Thanksgiving dinner. Here are a few extraordinary styles to try:

Red Zinfandel- Roasted Turkey, Lamb, Cranberry Sauce and Stews
Gewurztraminer- Pumpkin Pie, Sweet Potatoes and Caramel Apples
Tawny Port- Dark Chocolate, Pecan Pie and Apple Pie
Pinot Noir- Pot Roast, Meat Loaf, Squash and Gumbo's